
Qi Gong & Meditations

Il Filo d'Arianna will conduct a series of weekly activities lasting an hour and a half in the places where Mother Earth can be felt stronger, with great energy, restoring balance to our subtle bodies. Breathing exercises will be offered, known as Qi Gong, knowledge from ancient Chinese Taoists, to facilitate the flow of energy along the meridians of the body. Then there will be some rebalancing meditation, both to maintain energetically clean our bodies and our aura, to balance the chakras and then learn how to live more bright and serene our lives.

Full Moon Rituals

Ancient nuragic peoples already knew that the stars in our solar system markedly influenced life here on Earth. That's why the ancient monuments were all aligned: to receive the positive influences of some special moments of the year, as in the equinoxes or solstices. The Indians, the Egyptians, the Assyro-Babylonians, the Maya and many others were all great astronomers and astrologers. The ritual of the Full Moon, edited by Man Nature Energy group, will introduce you to the symbolic and energetic meanings of this event, explaining the reasons for these cults in ancient civilizations and the possible energy uses of these phenomena for our well-being. The energetic quality of this phenomenon will also be experienced, during a small meditative ritual.

New Moon Rituals

Ancient nuragic peoples already knew that the stars in our solar system markedly influenced life here on Earth. That's why the ancient monuments were all aligned: to receive the positive influences of some special moments of the year, as in the equinoxes or solstices. The Indians, the Egyptians, the Assyro-Babylonians, the Maya and many others were all great astronomers and astrologers. The ritual of the New Moon, edited by Man Nature Energy group, will introduce you to the symbolic and energetic meanings of this event, explaining the reasons for these cults in ancient civilizations and the possible energy uses of these phenomena for our well-being. The energetic quality of this phenomenon will also be experienced, during a small meditative ritual.

Energetic Itineraries

Every sunday Il Filo d'Arianna will dedicate a full day to discover the sacred places of the ancient nuragic peoples and their culture, symbolism, and their knowledge. Their way of life was in full and complete contact not only with nature and the Earth, but also in harmony with the forces from the astral heaven. On these sites several energy works directed to self-awareness will be proposed. For this, every Sunday a different self-awareness theme will be proposed.

Night Bivouacs

We will sleep without a tent, with only a sleeping bag, in the natural and Nuragic places with the strongest energies in order to live the experience of a real ritual of incubation under the stars, such as those described by the ancient Greeks in their reports on the nuragic peoples, and in turn used. Our commemoration of this rite, even if just for one night, will allow you to re-live an incredible experience, in contact with nature and the ancestors who once lived and protected these places, spicing the atmosphere with ancient wisdom and magic.


The summer night camp in places of high energy in Gallura is a two-day event and one night meant to experience life in nature that nuragic peoples lived at that time. It is also aimed at an intensive energy and awareness of self work: every camp we'll organize will have a different theme each time, chosen among the many spiritual qualities that each of us needs to develop in order to live a better life. You can then participate in a camp on joy, one on love, one on the fears, another on sharing and so on. It is therefore an holy and spiritual event, as the ancient nuragic rituals of prayer and healing were, lasting five days and five nights that they carried out at the giant's grave: this staying focused for a long time on a certain topic with the aim to seek harmony and well-being can intensify and focus the energies of these powerful places within our inner world: it is a real alchemical operation that is able to set in motion profound transformative energies that lead to finally live life with joy and freedom. The sleep at night in these special places causes the strong and vibrant energies of the location to enter into our dreams so that you can receive important communications from the upper levels, clues that it's up to us to understand and interpret for our growth and evolution. The ancient nuragic peoples in fact, as well as the Greek cult of the god Asclepius, believed that these places of power would allow contacts with the world beyond in order to communicate more easily with the ancestors, spirit guides or directly with the god of medicine and healing Asclepius. During this experience meditations, oracle readings, sharing, rituals, songs, dances, breathing and Qi Gong exercises and family constellations can be organized, up to even the most immersive theatrical dramatization of some events of our personal lives, in order to obtain a clearer and awareness view.

Sunset & meditations in sailing boat

Meditations and relax
In the enchanted and vibrant seas of the archipelago, between the millennial granite rocks, the encounter with the silver aster will gift us of a nightly ritual. Each of us will live that magic, through feelings and emotions... Here in Costa Smeralda, where the sea is perhaps the most transparent in the world, the inland contains fascinating ancient secrets. And there are times during the year that contain their own special magic that touches the innermost part of our soul and shakes our inner self. One of these moments is the full moon: the nights of full moon has always fascinated and captured. And here in Sardinia, the nights are still nights. We can still see the stars and the sky can talk with us...
  • Meeting point and departure from the port of Palau at 19, on PETAGUS boats
  • Arrival at an island beach and bathing
  • Meditations and relaxing on the beach
  • Dinner on board with spaghetti or seafoods
  • Observation of the sky and constellations
  • Meditation at the Full Moon
  • leisure time
date to be determined depending on the weather
meeting at the port of Palau at 19.00, until 24.00
on request, max 12 people

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Olivastri millenari - Nonna amore 3
Olivastri millenari - Nonna amore 3
Monte Canu
Monte Canu
Shwenandaw Monastery
Shwenandaw Monastery
10 Seminario Radiestesia Canavese
10 Seminario Radiestesia Canavese
San Santino - la vista sul bosco sacro
San Santino - la vista sul bosco sacro
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