The course of karmic astrology wants to be a deepening of the basic course in astrology, but it can also be a course for people just curious to get a taste of what astrology can do. This course takes a different mode of analysis in reading the chart and thus allows to interpret with a different key the same positions and the same symbols that we had learned during the previous course. The same archetypes and the same positions of the planets and stars now have a different meaning and can give more clues on the knowledge of yourself. Thus you will discover that if the position of a planet until now talked about how you live your relationship with your parents, with your friends, with your partner, your communication gifts, your art, your talents, flaws and emotionality, instead now indicates when you've been incarnated, in what period, what you lived, what kind of persons you have met and whether you are still meeting them, and again what incarnative purpose you have prefixed yourself in this or in that life. There are at least two regressive meditations, which consists of guided meditations able to give you the experience of seeing and reliving some scenes of your past lives.
To better understand who we are, to dissolve certain knots, to activate our talents, to build our future it can be very useful to go in search of who we were. This is what is proposed by this workshop, that will use as inquiry tool an analysis of our astrological birth chart, which is our energy model, and the regression technique through guided meditation.
Meditation can open the door to our higher self, and our higher levels of knowledge will come deeply into us. Through a guided tour you will see, in your inner screen, some images. It is actually a completely natural technique because we actually constantly think by pictures: remembering, for example, loved ones or a holiday, these images are formed in the mind with great vividness. In this way you can withdraw knowledge of events related to past lives and work on it through a work of consciousness raising. This analysis is intended, therefore, to provide tools to ponder on our personality and our present living conditions, on certain emotional and psychological mechanisms that seem to recur with some frequency and seem difficult to resolve and dissolve. This analysis therefore provides insights and personal verification to throw some light on our inner journey, the journey that everyone must make.
Meditation can open the door to our higher self, and our higher levels of knowledge will come deeply into us. Through a guided tour you will see, in your inner screen, some images. It is actually a completely natural technique because we actually constantly think by pictures: remembering, for example, loved ones or a holiday, these images are formed in the mind with great vividness. In this way you can withdraw knowledge of events related to past lives and work on it through a work of consciousness raising. This analysis is intended, therefore, to provide tools to ponder on our personality and our present living conditions, on certain emotional and psychological mechanisms that seem to recur with some frequency and seem difficult to resolve and dissolve. This analysis therefore provides insights and personal verification to throw some light on our inner journey, the journey that everyone must make.
- Introduction: the concept of reincarnation, fate and free will
- Share: questions, opinions, experiences
- The multidimensional nature of man: cleansing the subtle bodies and energy channels
- Karmic Astrology: the imprint of the soul. The purpose of this life: the task and destiny of the natives of each sign.
- Analysis of astral charts of each participant: qualities to live; nodes to overcome, trials and challenges, namely how to elevate vibration.
- Talents to develop.
- Meditation in a past life. Sharing.
What to bring: pen, note pad, a blanket.