region of Gallura (North Sardinia)
Dolmens are ancient tombs. These dominate the Gallura wide valley that leads up to the mountains. They are surrounded by outcrops concretions of granite, heather, myrtle, and low bush, making all the complex something extremely interesting in terms of landscape and archeology.
Millenary Wild Olive Trees
These millenary wild olive trees stand at the base of a valley overlooking to the north slope the mountains, and to the south slope toward the river basin Liscia. The largest tree is formed by a huge dimension's truck: its circumference is equal to 11.80 meters. The foliage has expanded to 100 square meters or more. The trunk, according to studies, may have an age of 3500 years. The wild olive now represent the standard scenario that could have been seen some hundreds of years ago in the hilly landscape of Gallura, a landscape that was changed between 18th and the end of 19th century following the construction of the carbonari, a business that eliminated almost all the rich natural, often millenary flora.
Giant's Tomb Pascaredda
The giant's grave of Pascaredda is located in an archaeologically rich area, in the midst of a cork wood, not far from the river Riu Badu Mela. The complex retains some charm, made even more authentic by the surrounding vegetation. The stele, scalloped, is missing the top that in all probability, is scattered around the monument. The remaining part is well made, well in sight on the ground and has an aperture facing east. The burial corridor area is almost intact and is made up of rather large stones, it also presents a kind of altar in the terminal part of unknown use. The realization was probably made around the middle bronze age (XIII-XVI century BC).
Pulchiana Mount
This beautiful mountain is a huge gallurian granite monolith towering more than 600 m. Because of its shape, it is also known as the Sugar Loaf. The place has been inhabited since prehistoric times. Here you can find more than a natural formation with bizarre shapes like animals or faces like the moais of Easter Island, almost shamanic, guarding this hill as ancestral guardian spirits.
Ethnographic Museum
A real gem with five tousand pieces of Sardinian peasant culture. Here you can better understand the lifestyle as it was on this island until the end of 1800 year. One can understand the uses, morals and even the cultural traditions, as well as some "magic knowledge" and some near-religious rituals, the legacy of ancient pagan cultures that were passed down orally and that they kept alive, in some cases, up to today.
Saint Santino Woods
Its rock church, the source of spring water, rocks, caves, ancient trees ... In this fascinating ancient sacred place, the elders of the country believed there was a magical cave capable of curing diseases, and a wood ranger told us that, in an attempt to cut down the two trees placed at the entrance of this forest, all the axes got broken, as if to protect these sacred trees.
Nuraghe Majori
It is one of the best preserved of Gallura and is located in a beautiful natural setting, surrounded by a thick forest of cork, thus revealing the charm of an ancient culture. The construction of the northern dolmen is quite damaged with part of the outer wall torn down, while the southern part of the stonework is still intact in all its might.
Saint's Nicola e Trano Hermitage
In the early days of Christianity the Gallura region was reached by ascetics who found in lonely woods and ravines strewn with granite an ideal environment to their preaching. So it was for the saints Nicholas and Trano who lived at the time of Eusebius (died in 371) who preached extensively in Gallura, and here were buried. About the year 1220 some Franciscan monks in Palestine had a vision of Our Lady which told them to go to a holy place of Sardinia to erect a shrine to the two venerable ascetics.
And many more ...
There are many other sites in this area that we have not included in this list. If you need more information, please contact us to arrange a personalized itinerary in these sites.
0789 70 83 80 - (Mon-Fri 18-20:30)
335 81 65 504 - Arianna
town of Palau (North Sardinia)
The first is a pretty country church dedicated to the holy martyr, where energy can be felt soft and delicate from the hands, and gradually pervades the whole body.
Then, in the woods hiding from mastic trees of exceptional size, in the midst of this dense and tangled vegetation, rocks are revealed of different and particular shapes that emanate the most intense and particular vibrations. They are rocks that were cut by the ancient people of the place and that were used for sacred and therapeutic purposes. Even the Templars during their journeys through the island rediscovered and re-used these places. Here the energy is really at home.
The first rock that we encounter has been engraved in order to modulate the frequencies of energy and channel it in certain parts of the body for purifying purposes.
The second rock has three steps, the symbol of expectation before the rise of initiation, placed next to another by the apparent shape of a boat. The boat: in the archaic traditions it was the means of transporting souls to the kingdom of heaven. Lying above we enter into a meditative state in just a few minutes, the mind becomes calm, the tension is released...
We come then to a cave that was inhabited in prehistoric times, which conceals a particular property: to make the energy that is around our body visible, the famous "aura."
Finally we arrive in front of a rock shaped like a horse saddle. It is said that it was like a stargate and in ancient times it opened the horizons of space and time.
In the vicinity of nuragic villages then, funeral buildings were often erected, known as the 'Giants Tombs', which had such an exceptional dimension to make posterity imagine the existence of beings of gigantic proportions. And this is the case of Li Mizzani tomb, a monument almost perfectly intact, which is located not far from the area of S. George.
The Giants' Tombs served several purposes. The priests at the front of the exedra performed ceremonial rituals and healing. For as Aristotle himself tells us, the Sardinians were in the habit of resting at the Tombs of the Giants five days and five nights for the so-called rites of incubation, asleep and unconscious, healing themselves from visions, obsessions, or other physical illnesses. The ancients, especially in the figure of the shaman-priests (who were men of knowledge), thanks to their perceptive abilities, were been able to build monuments that could channel cosmic-telluric energies.
In all ancient civilizations, mountains have always traditionally represented the contact with sky and heavens and often life, in myths, arose from the primordial chaos from an hill. Sardinia also has its sacred mountains. Among these the Monti Canu of Palau are among the most interesting. In a landscape lost in time we'll climb the ancient initiatory path strewn with white quartz to reach the ceremonial village enclosed by granite and the mediterranean vegetation. We will arrive at the sacred spring first and then the small sacred temple. From there we will go up again to reach the priestess seats, part of the prenuragic area of this site, in a wild nature that invites you to regain possession of the slow and pleasant flow of time.
Dress suggests: long trousers and closed shoes like trainers or trekking shoes
length of itinerary: 1 day
Sajacciu Giant's Grave was discovered by Mauro Aresu in 1983 and it is a Nuragic burial dating back to the period between the twelfth and tenth centuries. B.C. Unlike other tombs, this construction is certainly at the most advanced stage of these burials architecturally speaking, as it is influenced by the last constructive nuragic style that transforms the monolithic or bilithic stelae into a totally different and original shape. Unfortunately this tomb, the largest tomb ever known, has been subject to upheavals already from historical times (from V / VII sec. by the Byzantines) who have destroyed most of the funeral corridor, building right next to the apse a rectangular structure that seems was destined to religious cults and many believe that it might have been a small church.
Petra Niedda woods
In the immediate vicinity of Li Mizzani tomb there is a very charming and quaint place, one of the few oak forests present in Gallura, an extraordinary and unforgettable corner. Here nature finds her primordial elements of great vitality, with trees of extraordinary beauty, centuries-old juniper trees of enormous size, and other typical Mediterranean plants. Among the rocks, springs with mineral waters appear.
In this magical place you can feel an atmosphere of peace that gives a sense of mysticism and deep harmony with the forces of nature. An ideal place for walks and meditations.
When people did a pilgrimage to the Giants' Graves for a healing purpose, as the ancient chronicles report, they would spend on the site five days and five nights: the necessary time to fall into such a deep sleep to eliminate any conscience of time. This condition would allow people to get a healing and, through dreams, the proper
suggestions for healing. The giant's tomb of Li Mizzani belongs to the second phase of the Bronze Age 1500-1200 BC. It is aligned on an east-west axis, and stylistically the tomb belongs to the horizontal rows masonry kind. It is therefore a tomb of modest size, but very well conserved compared to other contemporary tombs.
The first feature is a pretty country church dedicated to the holy martyr, where energy can be felt soft and delicate from the hands, and gradually pervades the whole body.
Then in the woods, hiding from mastic trees of exceptional size, in the midst of this dense and tangled vegetation, rocks are revealed of different and particular shapes that emanate the most intense and particular vibrations. They are rocks that were cut by the ancient people of the place and that were used for sacred and therapeutic purposes. Even the Templars during their journeys through the island rediscovered and re-used these places.
There are many other sites in this area that we have not included in this list. If you need more information, please contact us to arrange a personalized itinerary in these sites.
length of itineraries: 1/2 or full day, you choose the places
0789 70 83 80 - (Mon-Fri 18-20:30)
335 81 65 504 - Arianna
island of Sardinia
In a wild and rugged landscape lies this magnificent rock altar, unique on the whole island. This is a gigantic natural rock lying horizontally on the ground that offered a convenient opportunity to nuragic people to dig on its surface a multitude of niches and altars. The same site also offers several other stones carved with strange symbols, and a little further up the hill a series of Domus de Janas, the collective funeral burials excavated in the rock and just over 50 cm tall.
length of excursions: 1/2 day
The Su Romanzesu site has been used exclusively for large ceremonies, and thus had no residential function. Only in special times of the year it welcomed the inhabitants of several villages from the nearby areas, to celebrate sacred functions. On this site, a real park under cork trees, several huts and temples lie on the ground, but most important of all, there is a labyrinth temple and an amphitheater-like sacred well.
The temple-well of Su Tempiesu is embedded in the rock, in a wild and unspoiled nature. It presents various construction phases embedded within itself in a vertical structure leaning against a wall-like rock. The double pitch sloping roof, open and incomplete (the top consists of a monolith stone now located in a museum), protects the small basin of water similar in building technique to the well of Santa Cristina (made by steps), but on a reduced scale, dug into the rock.
The Santa Cristina site has a whole nuragic village in it, very large, with a nuraghe, a Council hut, other huts, and most important of all, the finest and best preserved stylistic example of Sacred Well. The sacred well was a monumental structure dedicated to the worship of water and the Moon: in fact this is the only example of monument on the entire planet to be aligned with the lunar cycle of 18 years and a half, the Saros cycle. It is also aligned to the sun during the equinoxes, showing in this case a beautiful game of light reflection on the water, surely with a sacred significance for the cults of those remote times.
The nuraghe Losa is one of the largest in Sardinia, built with gigantic boulders at its base, which consists of a two-story main tower and two smaller lateral towers supported by the main, and other huts in the neighborhood. Like most of nuraghi in Sardinia, this also presents a spectacular array to the two solstices: the Sun in the summer penetrate the apical hole (at the top) as a ray of light and went to illuminate the central niche of the room, meanwhile in winter was the main entrance hole which lent the entrance of light, hitting the exact same niche.
The underground temple of St. Andrea Priu was dedicated to the worship of the bull. You can understand this by the presence of a sculpture of a bull of very important dimensions. Unfortunately, in the Christian period this bull's head was severed from the body, to try eradicating the pagan cult's strong presence on the island from ancient times. It was found that this temple is astronomically aligned to the winter solstice, through the entrance of a solar ray that slips underground along all the three rooms there, hitting a false door carved into the wall.
Nuraghe Santu Antine is perhaps the most spectacular and impressive of the island, with several floors arranged one over the other, tunnels and galleries. Even this nuraghe is oriented astronomically, like most of these structures.
On top of a mountain over 1000 meters high is one of the few large ceremonial villages of Sardinia, with incredible views across the surrounding plateau. Distributed on a path that climbs up the mountain there is a sacred spring with a courtyard, a hut with a circular vestibule, an oracular shrine combined with a room and shared courtyard entrance, a large hut that was probably used as a Council hut.
There are many other sites in this area that we have not included in this list. If you need more information, please contact us to arrange a personalized itinerary in these sites.
length of excursions: full day, you choose the places
0789 70 83 80 - (Mon-Fri 18-20:30)
335 81 65 504 - Arianna
John A. West è uno degli studiosi più autorevoli dell'antico Egitto con un taglio simbolico e metafisico. E' lui che ha studiato a fondo la Sfinge riproponendo una nuova datazione che riporta indietro la costruzione di questo incredibile monumento di molte migliaia di anni. Un viaggio in terra d'Egitto con il suo accompagnamento diventa così un'esperienza particolarmente profonda ed arricchente. Siamo già stati con lui nell'autunno 2010 e possiamo testimoniarlo e per questo desideriamo riproporre questo viaggio-studio anche con alcune varianti rispetto al primo viaggio. L'Egitto è luogo sicuro per chi viaggia nei siti archeologici e per questo John A. West non ha mai smesso in questi anni dopo la Primavera Araba di portarci gruppi. Al Cairo si starà in un hotel 5 stelle vicino alle piramidi e quindi lontano dal centro. Inoltre, siccome c'è comunque stato un calo di flusso turistico per via di certi tour operator che non programmano più l'Egitto i siti sono meno affollati e si può godere ancora di più della bellezza dei luoghi. Il tour operator a cui ci affianchiamo è ancora una volta la Quest Travel, un marchio di eccellenza nel Paese dal servizio davvero impeccabile. Saremo coccolati e protetti su ogni fronte. Arianna Mendo si occuperà della traduzione simultanea e con noi ci sarà anche un'ottima guida parlante italiano, molto competente (Fawzy). Arianna Mendo si occuperà anche di condurre i partecipanti nelle meditazioni sui luoghi e in lavori con il suono. Sarà un viaggio che andrà a cogliere l'essenza della Scienza Sacra di questa civiltà. Un viaggio nei simboli e negli archetipi che fanno parte del nostro universo, esterno ed interiore. Un viaggio profondo, che trasformerà le nostre coscienze e il nostro livello energetico. Un viaggio unico. Di scambio e condivisione. Un viaggio adatto a chi ama le antiche civiltà, a chi è sul percorso spirituale, a chi si occupa di energie sottili, a chi vuole accostarsi a un luogo dell'anima... E la sera di Capodanno saremo solo noi nella Grande Piramide!!!!
Partenza dall'Italia e arrivo al Cairo.
martedì 31 dicembre - Cairo: il Museo Egizio, la Grande Piramide
La mattina presto in pullman costeggeremo il Nilo e passeremo attraverso villaggi pittoreschi (è davvero divertente!) e avremo modo di visitare due magnifici templi: quello di Edfu, che è dedicato al principio solare Horus, e quello di Kom Ombo, dedicato invece al dio coccodrillo Sobek, simbolo della fertilità e dio creatore, per arrivare nella magnifica Aswan. Passeremo la notte nel bellissimo Aswan Movenpick Hotel, su un’isola nel mezzo del Nilo.
lunedì 6 gennaio - Aswan: il tempio di Philae e la cava di granito
Qui visiteremo l’Obelisco non terminato e le famose Cave di Granito di Aswan, un luogo affascinante dove saremo messi a confronto con i misteri dell’antica tecnologia, alcuni dei quali pensiamo oggi di aver risolto! Poi andremo al Tempio di Philae, consacrato a Iside, nel suo ruolo di madre di Horus, (in seguito conosciuta come la “Vergine Maria”). Anche se costruito nel periodo Tolemaico, quando l’Egitto era già in precipitoso declino, Philae è comunque uno dei gioielli dell’architettura mondiale. Il pomeriggio ci sarà tempo per esplorare il bazaar affollato di Aswan, con i suoi mercati di spezie e l’artigianato nubiano.
martedì 7 gennaio - Abu Simbel: templi di Ramses II e Nefertari
Viaggeremo nella splendida terra di Nubia con i suoi colori del deserto e le albe ed i tramonti più gloriosi. Una terra abitata da gente gentile, elegante nei modi e nelle movenze, gente dai sorrisi radiosi incastonati in volti splendidi. Gente accogliente. Già solo questo incontro vale un viaggio. Una volta arrivati ad Abu Simbel visiteremo i due famosi templi spostati dopo la costruzione della diga, quello dedicato a Ramses II e quello in onore della sua sposa preferita: Nefertari. Una vera emozione.
Trasferimento in aeroporto e volo verso il Cairo, notte al Cairo.
giovedì 9 gennaio - Volo verso l'Italia
"In October 2010, the Association Man Nature Energy was traveling with his associates in Egypt for a tour, discovering, learning and studying the symbolism, the energy and the way of practicing spirituality in the these ancient sites. Though this was for Arianna already the third trip to Egypt and only one of the countless studies that she had already done in his life, this was for her a very special trip. The tour was indeed strongly demanded by the members of our association, which made a direct request to the Egyptologist John Anthony West, who was a year before, at our invitation, in Sardinia to visit the giant's graves and gave us a wonderful conference. John Anthony West, besides being internationally famous for the re-dating of the Sphinx, (that was not built in 2500 BC as previously thought, but instead in 7000 BC and probably is even older), is also an esoteric symbolism expert of the Egyptian culture. Thanks to him it was possible for the association to make a huge jump forward in archaeological knowledge and spiritual awareness, immersed in the mysteries of the desert and of human consciousness".

Estimated time: 1 year
A first survey was made, whose results have emerged very promising, architecturally and archaeologically and also for astronomical attributes, sacred and religious aspects, spiritual awareness and energy force that has been found to be very intense. The most deserving spots have already been selected, and the phase of cultural and energetic studies has hardly begun. As soon as we'll be prepared we'll arrange for you a tour of these magnificent places in Indochina.
If you are interested in having an idea of how this trip il like, you can freely take a look at some photos of the first trip, visible in the "Places Gallery" section under the "Itineraries" menu of this site.