June 07, 11:30: the Filo d'Arianna.net website is finally online!!!
June 15, 21:00: the website is finally complete in all its contents. We should still wait a little bit more to see the final layout though, because our young, patient and very kind webmaster Luca Ratti is still organizing the last things, like photos and side menus. The english part instead, has not yet seen light. Almost there....
June 21, 11:00: Photos and side menus are now ok, site is finished!! Now we have to start working on the english part, and upload all the photos though. They are really a lot ^_^'
September 02, 19:00: The tons of photos are completely online, with comments and most of our very important events...
October 09, 21:00: English part is finally built, but the contents are still to be translated...
February 17, 10:00: Today is website's birthday!!! And the english part has been translated on the whole, so that is the conclusion of our programmin adventure. Website is finally complete, well done!!! Pheuw.. What a work!